Club Mission & Ethos
We believe that staying fit and playing sport is vital to the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Our mission is to provide a fun, safe environment for local children, regardless of gender, race, religion or background to enjoy and participate in football. We value respect, equality and fair play and seek to prioritise wellbeing and player development.

Our History
Founded in 2008
From a kick about in the park with the kids in 2006, the idea was formed. Westwood Park is a wonderful place to have on our doorstep and football in the park was a great way of starting off the weekend. Clearly a lot of families in the area felt the same way and numbers grew quickly. By 2007, we were up to 60+ children.
Spurred on by swelling numbers, Westwood Park Football Club (WPFC) was officially established in the Little Chalfont Village Hall on the 17th June 2008.
Through our affiliation with Little Chalfont Methodist Church our U8 and U10 teams joined the Chiltern Church Junior League. Our U7 team joined the South Bucks Mini Soccer Conference.
In 2011 we became one of the only clubs in the area to start an U5 team (for reception year children) and in the 2016-2017 season our first age group reached U18, giving us teams across all school years.
The club now has 300+ registered players each season and in 2022-23 we will celebrate our 15th full season as a club.

When we play
All our age groups from U7 upwards, play matches in the Chiltern Church Junior League. Matches take place on Saturday Mornings. Teams will run a training session on a Saturday morning where no match is scheduled. Some age groups will also run a mid-week training session. Match & Training times do vary slightly per age group but are generally between 09:00 – 11:30.
We do have a couple of age groups that take part in the Sunday league. Matches take place on Sunday mornings with away games generally being a bit further afield (but within Bucks). These teams also generally run a mid-week training session (see teams page).

Local Leagues
Westwood Park FC is affiliated with
Little Chalfont Methodist Church
and the Berks & Bucks FA.
Our teams play in three local leagues.
The Chiltern Church Junior Football League (match days are Saturdays).
The South Bucks Mini Soccer Conference (match days are Sundays; for age groups U7 to U12)
The Wycombe & South Bucks Minor Football League (match days are Sundays; for age groups U13 to U16).
Club Development Goals
We are in the process of applying for
FA Club Accreditation
Secure more playing space on Saturday mornings.
Set up a junior girls section with girls teams
Provide a pathway for youth players into U21/Adult football
Ensure we have a qualified FA Level 1 coach for each team from U7 upwards